You can find out the exact information about the delivery methods of your order when placing an order
or by contacting us by phone or email
General information
The Enex platform provides a prepaid payment system for the purchased product. Payments are made in non-cash form.
Enex is an agent of the manufacturers represented on the platform. Therefore, the platform transfers the amount of money received from the buyer to the manufacturer of the ordered product. If several manufacturers are specified in the order, the payment received is distributed among them according to the specific order items.
You can pay for the product using Bank cards "Visa", "Master Card", "Mir", "JCB".
Payment by Bank card is made without Commission.
To make a transaction, you will need:
- your Bank card number;
- expiration date of your Bank card;
- CVV code for Visa / CVC code for Master Card: the last 3 digits on the signature strip on the back of the card.
Legal entities
Legal entities can pay for an order using a payment card or a payment order issued by the platform.
If the customer has selected the option "payment by invoice", then after placing the order, the system will generate and send an electronic invoice for payment automatically to the email address specified during registration.
If payment is not received for the invoice within 3 business days, the order may be canceled.
ENEX Bonuses
The buyer can pay part of the order price (no more than 20 %) with Enex bonuses. The procedure and conditions for accruing and debiting bonuses are specified in section 7 Rules of sale and delivery.
What should I do if I have problems paying?
Payment may fail in the following cases:
- Invalid card data entered;
- the card has expired;
- there is not enough money on the card;
- you can't confirm a card transaction with a one-time password from a text MESSAGE;
- the Bank has established a ban on the payment on the Internet.
If the payment failed:
- Try again in 20 minutes;
- contact the Bank that issued the card;
- try paying with a different card.