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Unique technology of networked brushless motors. Exclusive to Hikoki Power Tools!
Updated: 16.09.2024
News author : Hikoki
Уникальные технологии сетевых бесщеточных моторов. Только у Hikoki Power Tools!

Unique technology of networked brushless motors. Exclusive to Hikoki Power Tools!

Increased comfort in work and reliability.

The consumer no longer has to worry about voltage drops when using extension cords in their work with power tools. Our technology of brushless mains motors uses built-in controllers that allow the tool to work even with significant voltage fluctuations in the network. 

This technology brings the level of reliability and durability of the tool to a fundamentally new high level. 

The new technology allows you to have more effective power with less electricity consumption. It eliminates most of the fast-wearing elements that are present in traditional collector engines. It allows you to do much less maintenance and significantly increases the resource and reliability of the tool as a whole.

Size matters!

The HiKOKI brushless mains motor is much more compact and lighter than a similar collector motor.
For example, if you compare the motor of the new model of the impact wrench WR16SE and the previous model WR16SA with a collector engine, the difference will be very noticeable: the WR16SE motor is 31 mm shorter and 340 grams lighter, which means almost 50% of the difference in weight.

бесщеточный мотор 2 eng.jpg

Long service life.

New technologies make it possible to eliminate rubbing and quickly wearing out elements (collector and carbon brushes), eliminate such problems as burning out of brushes and collector, overheating of windings and short circuit of the rotor. This gives great savings on maintenance and ensures a much longer service life of the tool.


The brushless mains motor heats up less, is more efficient and resistant to voltage fluctuations and works when using extension cords and voltage drops in the network.


The absence of fast-wearing and rubbing components allows you to significantly reduce the cost of repair and maintenance and saves time.


Our controllers have the ability to work with a variety of types of generators, not only of the inverter type (i.e., the voltage sine wave may not be ideal – this does not interfere with the operation of the built-in controller and does not require additional power supplies and filters)


We have significantly reduced the size and weight of the tool thanks to the use of compact network motors and control controllers
