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HiKOKI Power Tools News
Updated: 16.09.2024
News author : Hikoki
Этот день настал! Теперь мы – HiKOKI Power Tools

HiKOKI Power Tools News

This day came! Now we are HiKOKI Power Tools

HiKOKI Power Tools, a Japanese company whose history began in 1948. Below is a brief list of changes and summaries of press releases on HiKOKI. I would like to once again remind you of the values ​​and strategy of our company.

Since October 1, 2018, our company completes the transition to a new name, and now we are officially called HiKOKI Power Tools. An event at the central office of the company called “HiKOKI Green Day” is timed to this date in Tokyo. The president of the company Mr. Osami Maehara will speak at the conference.

We are moving to a new website and changing email addresses
As we said from the very beginning, nothing changes in the structure of the company and the model range produced. Only the company name and trademark are changing. These changes have now affected our company website and the contact details of the employees with whom you communicate.

New official website - www.hikoki-powertools.ru
Our new site has a domain name similar to the domains of branches in Europe. At the same time, we have registered a number of other domains, and through them you can also go to our official website. This is: www.hikoki.ru , www.hikoki-pt.ru . Unlike the previous version, the site is designed not only for consumers and dealers from the Russian Federation, but also for customers from the countries of the Single Customs Union member countries: the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia. Accordingly, the new site will contain information about HiKOKI dealers and service centers in these countries. The launch of the new site is postponed for a week, below you can see a screenshot of its main page. As you can see, sections on our own trademarks for the Russian market appeared in the updated structure: HiteX (abrasives, hand tools and welding inverters) and Hitoil (engine oils). We already told you about engine oils, while information about HiteX will appear in the very near future - in October.

Employee Email Addresses
Previous @ hitachi-pt.ru endings are changed to @ hikoki-powertools.ru. For some time, mail sent to old addresses will be automatically forwarded to our new ones, but gradually we ask you to switch to using our new email addresses in correspondence. Our information server http://download.hitachi-pt.ru also migrates to the new Address - http://download.hikoki.ru

We have two new versions of image videos on HiKOKI: in addition to the standard version in Full HD, time-shortened versions have been added so that they can be used on websites and on social networks. So far they are in English, but by the middle of the month there will be versions with a Russian-language soundtrack.

Questions and Answers
In this issue of News, we once again want to remind you of the main points concerning the transition of the company to a new trademark and strategy.

What is the meaning and history of the new “HiKOKI” brand?
Hitachi Koki is a company that manufactures tools with high reliability (High Reliability) and high performance thanks to high technology (High technological capability), which allows you to have in the range of innovative and high-performance tools based on the achievements of the company for its 70-year history. The “HiKOKI” brand continues these traditions. We expect that the new brand will also be associated with the buyer with high technology and reliability. As you know, our company has been called Hitachi Koki all this time. Translated from Japanese, Koki means "professional tools and equipment." Thus, the new brand gives us the opportunity to build our own brand and at the same time preserve the existing reputation of the previous brand, the history of the company and its advantages.

What are the delivery times for the product under the new HiKOKI brand?
From December 2018.

Why does the company change its trademark from Hitachi to HiKOKI?
From the point of view of global competition and strengthening our advantages, the company believes that combining our resources with the resources of the KKR investment fund will give more advantages than if we remain under the control of the head company Hitachi. Since we left the Hitachi group of companies, we also change the name of the brand.

We are waiting for your feedback, questions and suggestions!

 Source: http : //www.hitachi-pt.ru/news/novosti-khitachi-pauer-tulz-rus-vypusk-8-2018/