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Warranty and refund

Warranty service

If you find defects in the product during operation during the warranty period, you can contact the manufacturer's authorized service center, the supplier or the marketplace.

In what cases can warranty service be refused?

  • the manufacturer's protective factory signs (seals, marks) were damaged on the product;
  • the factory marking or serial number is damaged, illegible, they tried to re-glue
  • the goods were repaired by organizations or persons who do not have the right / license for warranty service;
  • defects arose due to the use of the goods for other purposes, in violation of the rules of operation, storage conditions, transportation;
  • if the goods have visible mechanical damage that can affect the operability of the product;
  • defects have arisen due to the use of non-original consumables that do not meet the requirements of operation;
  • in other cases established by the legislation, the documentation for the goods.

Full information about warranty service is indicated in the accompanying documentation for the product (for example, technical instructions or warranty card).


In case of refusal of the goods (if it is permissible according to the law or the Rules of sale) You will be refunded the money paid for the goods.

Refund period: 10 days from the date of application.

The funds will be returned to the same details from which the payment was made. If you decide to refund funds directly with the supplier, you can send him an application in which you specify the details to which the refund should be made.

The buyer-an individual can return the goods of proper quality within 7 days from the date of receipt, not counting the day of purchase. In this case, the money for the goods will be refunded. Please note that in case of refusal of goods of proper quality, the cost of delivery services is not refunded, and the cost of delivering the goods back to the supplier (or marketplace) is borne by the buyer himself.

In case of refusal of the goods of inadequate quality, the delivery costs are borne by the supplier (or marketplace).

When returning the goods, the bonuses accrued for this purchase are debited from the buyer's current account, and those bonuses that were used to pay for the returned goods are returned to the bonus account.


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