About Company

The plant produces products under the TIGARBO trademark. The basis of the product line is:
- Concrete mixers
- Concrete plants
- Welding electrodes and abrasive wheels
- Tillage equipment
- Motor catamarans
- Park lights
- Electric vehicles
The KOMZ-Export company is a modern enterprise that uses high-tech production processes: computer, numerical, software control of processing centers, robotic laser cutting of metal, robotic welding of parts, high-quality grinding, painting.
The equipment of the TIGARBO trademark is represented in the territories from the Far East to the Kaliningrad region and is known to consumers in different countries. TIGARBO equipment immediately gained the trust of consumers due to its quality and reliability, ease of operation and appearance, and today, according to many consumers, is a leader in many industries in the countries of the near and far abroad. Having an extensive service network, our specialists promptly carry out repairs and warranty service of manufactured products.
CJSC KOMZ-Export is a multiple participant and prize-winner of international exhibitions held in the Russian Federation and other countries:
- "Commercial vehicles"
- "Specialized equipment"
- "Construction industry"
- "Roads of Russia XXI"
- International Construction Forum "Interstroy Expo"
- "Construction machinery and Technologies' STT", the company has been a regular participant since 2010
- PIR Expo, an exhibition of the hotel industry
- "Moscow International Automobile Salon 2018"
- International Industrial Exhibition "INNOPROM-2018"
TIGARBO trademark products are advanced production technology and quality assurance
Company name:
Legal address:
Russian Federation, 347825, Каменск-Шахтинский, Заводская, 16
Actual address:
Russian Federation, 347825, Каменск-Шахтинский, Заводская, 16