Joint Stock Company "State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Trinity Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research" (JSC "SSC RF TRINITY") is an enterprise of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom". The main activities of the Institute are: scientific activity in the field of plasma physics, controlled thermonuclear fusion, laser physics and technology, physics of the extreme state of matter, physics of energy conversion processes, R&D related to the implementation of the State Defense Order, development of physical models and calculation codes for predicting the behavior of fuel and elements of nuclear reactor cores.
The Institute began its development in 1952 with the organization of the Magnetic Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the initiative of Academician A.P. Alexandrov. In 1961, the laboratory was incorporated into the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy as a sector, then a department, and since 1971 - a branch, whose director until 1978 was Academician E.P. Velikhov. From 1978 to December 2003, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.D. Pisny headed the Institute. Since May 2004, the Institute has been headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.E. Cherkovets. In 2018, Doctor of Technical Sciences D.V. Markov became the General Director of JSC "SRC RF TRINITY".
In 1991, the branch of the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy was renamed the Trinity Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research. (TRINITY)
In 1994, the institute received the status of a State scientific Center and retains it to this day.
The results of the research conducted by JSC "SSC RF TRINITY" have a high degree of novelty, are extremely relevant and have an extensive scope of application. Firstly, they are of fundamental importance for the physics of plasma, solid state and semiconductors, the study of the properties of substances when exposed to high energy densities, the physics of laser systems and gas discharge, the study of energy conversion processes, etc.
Secondly, they find their application in the development of thermonuclear reactors, devices and devices for the diagnosis of high-temperature plasma and solids, X-ray sources, various types of lasers, plasma accelerators, new technological processes using plasma streams and laser radiation, materials with improved properties, autonomous power sources, exploration and creation of monitoring systems minerals , etc.
A prominent place in the scientific field is occupied by research in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion (TCB), which opens the way to the implementation of the synthesis reaction of light elements (deuterium, tritium) in a controlled power release mode, conducted on a unique experimental bench base, including the Angara-5-1 installation (the largest in Europe and in Asia, an installation for solving scientific and applied problems under programs for the use of ultrahigh electric power pulse generation technology), a thermonuclear complex "TSP" (Tokamak with a strong field).
During the experiments under the TCB program, a fast neutron spectrometer based on a diamond detector was developed and created, with the help of which, for the first time in the world, measurements of the energy distribution spectrum and anisotropy of neutron radiation spectra of high-temperature deuterium-tritium tokamak plasma were carried out and radiation-resistant means of measuring flows and doses of ionizing radiation were developed.
Studies of the dynamics of pulsed high-temperature plasma carried out under the TCB program also made it possible to develop new methods for hardening materials (reducing the micro-roughness of the surface layer, reducing the coefficient of friction, increasing corrosion resistance in aggressive environments, etc.) and create a number of appropriate devices for this. The advantages of the plasma treatment method are demonstrated on many industrial parts. Unique plasma accelerators 2MK200, KSPU-B, KSPU-Ve are used to study the materials of the first wall and divertor of the international experimental thermonuclear reactor - ITER.
One of the traditional directions of scientific activity for JSC "SRC RF TRINITY" is research in laser physics, the development of promising types of lasers and the improvement of the characteristics of laser systems.
The created laser installations with various active media (CO2 lasers, CO-lasers, solid-state lasers, excimer lasers) differ in a variety of operating modes (continuous, pulsed, pulse-periodic), and parameters. They can be used in a wide variety of industries - controlled fusion, plasma diagnostics, processing of various materials, laser chemistry and laser isotope separation, environmental protection, etc.
Currently, much attention is paid to the mobile laser technology complexes developed at the Institute. These installations allow remote exposure to a laser beam with a power of up to 50 kW on various objects: in particular, to cut metal and reinforced concrete structures during dismantling and emergency recovery work at gas and oil wells and nuclear power plants, as well as when cutting ships and submarines (including nuclear ones) for scrap. The use of mobile installations for burning the film of spilled oil, decontamination of surfaces by peeling and other purposes is effective.
The MHD installations created by the scientists of the Institute demonstrated the possibilities of their use for sounding the Earth's crust, searching for minerals and predicting earthquakes.
In 2011, the MLTK-20 mobile laser technology complex, created in JSC "SSC RF TRINITY" by order of Gazprom Gas Safety LLC, allowed for the first time in the world to eliminate the accident at gas well No. 506 of the Zapadno-Tarko-Salinsky field in record time.
A team of highly qualified employees has been formed in JSC "SSC RF TRINITY". Many employees are laureates of the Lenin Prize, State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, prizes of the USSR Council of Ministers and the Government of the Russian Federation and other prizes, awarded with orders and medals.
The Institute is located in the Troitsk city district, Moscow.