What is the difference between professional and domestic power plants
The class of the power plant can be identified by the type of engine used and its resource. For example, a high-class professional-level motor that runs on gasoline fuel, its approximate engine life without interruptions until the expected failure is in the range of 4000-7000 hours. At the same time, a simple household budget unit has a resource of no more than 2000-3000 hours, and sometimes the maximum period of operation does not exceed 1000 hours.
Diesel generators often have an increased resource compared to gasoline engines, they have less fuel consumption. Diesel fuel is also cheaper than gasoline, while its storage does not cause any special difficulties. For this reason, it is quite natural that diesel-powered power plants have a cost that exceeds gasoline models by about 1.5-2 times
In the process of choosing a certain model of a continuous power plant, it is necessary to conclude what it will be used for, and then make the choice directly.
Let's list the cases when the purchase of a diesel-powered power plant is one hundred percent justified:
- for use as the main power supply or for irregular but long-term use;
- if only one type of fuel is used (if there is diesel fuel equipment);
- at a power exceeding 10-12 kVA, when gasoline-powered installations are almost not in operation.
What is the difference between professional diesel generators and amateur ones
The appearance of these two types of generators is practically the same, so it will be quite difficult to distinguish them even for a professional in this field. Prior to this, small-sized domestic power plants were equipped with engines that had a lateral valve arrangement. However, modern modifications have an upper valve arrangement and increased power (by about 33%).
In the course of technology improvement, engines that were previously considered professional, after three to five years, are already classified as amateur. At the same time, they use such an assessment criterion: is there a fuel tank with a large capacity in the package or not, or at least the possibility of installing such a tank in it. Thus, the manufacturing plants of diesel generators already allow in advance the possibility of their long-term use without interruptions. There is also a very important criterion – the frequency of oil changes. At professional stations, the time intervals between oil changes should not be less than 100 hours.
The internal filling of the motor will say a lot about the diesel generator. If the walls of the engine are aluminum, not cast iron, then most likely you are looking at a domestic station, not a professional one. The materials for the manufacture of oil and fuel filters are also of great importance. In amateur generators, as a rule, paper is used, it must be changed from time to time (approximately after every 140-150 hours or once every fifty to sixty days).
However, it also happens that enterprises producing both professional and household generators put the same type of engines on them. For example, high-power motors are often installed on portable stations of small size, this is a successful marketing tactic. At the same time, the external differences are significant: a truncated frame is installed on household stations, which simplifies its transportation.
When choosing a diesel generator, it is necessary to take into account that the low price of engines with lateral valve placement and with an aluminum cylinder block is due to a short engine life. At the same time, professional modifications with overhead valves and a cast-iron cylinder block have a motor life 2 times higher than amateur models. At the same time, the oil supply in them occurs under pressure, and the noise level and fuel consumption are significantly lower.