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Romek Chain Slings
Updated: 16.09.2024
News author : ROMEK NN
Цепные стропы Ромек НН

Romek Chain Slings


High–quality chain cargo slings are devices designed to capture and hold cargo. Metal chains of 12.10 and 8 quality classes are used for their manufacture. They are used in almost all industries, construction and cargo transportation of all types of transport.

There are various types of chain slings. They are classified as:

  • By the number of branches. There are one-, two-, three- and four-branched chain slings.
  • According to the type of construction. The usual ones with hooks and loops.

Chain slings manufactured by ROMEK are characterized by high reliability and durability, have a number of significant advantages over other removable load-grabbing devices:

  • can be used when slinging cargo having sharp corners, without the use of special devices for protection.
  • products have great durability and high maintainability;
  • safety of loading operations. When the maximum loads are reached, the chain is strongly deformed at first. During the scheduled inspection, defects can be noticed, and the device is not allowed to be used further.

Technical and operational characteristics

Modern ROMEK chain slings have improved characteristics. They can be operated in a wide temperature range -40 ° - +200 ° C. The load capacity of the device is reduced by 25% if the temperature reaches +500 ° C and falls below 50%.

The only drawback of these products until recently was the large weight of the finished lifting structure. Because of this, the sale of chain slings was not very common until the 80s. But now, our company uses Class 8 chains in the process of creating products, producing products of high reliability and lower weight of the entire structure (by 30%). Also, we have developed new, more reliable link fasteners, which have increased the load capacity by 50%, compared to the chains of competing firms.

As accessories, both conventional hooks and sliding chokers can be used.

Chain slings with strength class T8

T8.pngTo ensure high quality performance of lifting devices Unified standards have been developed for cargo used in construction, manufacturing and other fields. One of them was the strength class T8.

This concept is used in relation to chain slings, which have increased strength compared to textile rigging, especially when working in particularly difficult conditions – for example, at elevated temperatures. The standard also applies to such parts as connecting elements, suspensions of loads to crane hooks, and also takes into account the possibility of using chains in hazardous production.

Chain slings manufactured by ROMEK of strength class T(8) comply with the requirements of GOST EN 818-4-2011, ISO 7593-1986, Federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used, RD-10-33-93 and TU 3178-003-04445176-2016, equipped with chains of strength class T(8) and detachable connecting elements of strength class T(8), are used for suspending loads to the hooks of lifting machines and are intended for use in industrial, transport and warehouse enterprises in climatic areas with a temperate climate according to GOST 15150-69.

Distinctive features of chain rigging

In addition to its strength characteristics, products with strength class T8 can become a model for example:

  • High suitability for any method of slinging due to its free flexibility.
  • Ability to work at elevated temperatures (up to +400 ° C).
  • Application possibilities in the presence of an open flame.
  • The absence of influence on the slings of sharp angles present on the load.
  • Easy replacement of individual components and ease of fault detection.

Chain slings with strength class V (10), VIP

V10.pngChain slings of strength class V (10), comply with the requirements of GOST R EN 818-4 "Steel chains made of round short links for lifting cargo. Safety. Part 4. Sling chains of class 8" , ISO 7593 "Chain slings connected by other methods other than welding. Strength class T(8)", Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used" and TU 3178-002-88596348-2009.

The slings are equipped with chains of strength class V (10) that meet the basic technical requirements for chains according to GOST R EN 818-2 "Steel chains made of round short links for lifting cargo. Safety. Part 2. Steel chains of normal precision for slinging chains of class 8" and the corresponding load-grabbing devices designed to attach loads to the lifting hook of a crane or other lifting mechanism are intended for use in industrial, construction, transport and warehouse enterprises in climatic areas with a temperate climate according to GOST 15150 and are available as single and serial products.

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