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Self–winding BSK bandage is the fastest and easiest way to assemble wires into one flexible bundle
Updated: 16.09.2024
News author : Fortisflex
Самозаворачивающийся бандаж БСК – самый быстрый и легкий способ собрать провода в один гибкий пучок

Self–winding BSK bandage is the fastest and easiest way to assemble wires into one flexible bundle

A self-winding bandage with a special BSK key will allow you to quickly assemble several wires into one bundle without letting them get tangled. As a result, the wires are laid beautifully and neatly. It is no coincidence that in Europe this product is called the cable organizer easy cover.

The self-winding bandage not only collects wires. It also provides their mechanical protection from kinks and external influences. Stylish gray color (you can call it steel) allows you to use the product in offices and apartments. Before installation, there is no need to tighten the wires with cable ties or use other auxiliary devices. The clamping force of the self-winding brace is sufficient to hold the cables in the bundle. At the same time, the cables from the bandage can be easily removed and re-laid. The product is reusable.

The main advantage of the easy cover self-winding bandage is the possibility of its quick and easy installation. Complete with each product, we supply a special key necessary for installation.

  • For binding and protecting a bundle of wires along the entire length
  • Material: Polypropylene
  • Operating temperature: -25 °C to +85 °C
  • Installation temperature: from 0 °C to +60 °C
  • Provides protection of wires from friction and mechanical damage in switchboard equipment
  • Quick installation using a special key(included)


Installation procedure:

  1. Cut a piece of bandage of the required length.
  2. Insert the wires into the key.
  3. Open the edge of the bandage, insert it onto the branch of the key and push it forward to the connection with the wires.
  4. Pull the key along the wires, holding the bandage on the wires.
  5. The bandage will close around the wires along the entire length.

Reading the installation order takes longer than the work itself.

Try using self-winding BSK bandages. It's really easy and fast!

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