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Tile-cutting and stone-cutting machines: how to choose
Updated: 20.09.2024
News author : Helmut
Плиткорезные и камнерезные станки: как выбрать

Tile-cutting and stone-cutting machines: how to choose

Performing various kinds of repair and construction work is often associated with the need to fit materials such as tiles, porcelain stoneware, bricks, blocks, etc. The use of mechanical tile cutters and other manual equipment is advisable only at home, that is, if necessary, processing a small amount of material. In other cases, the work is usually performed on professional or semi-professional electric machines.

Benefits of use

Processing the material with a manual tile cutter requires the additional use of some kind of guide. However, there is still a risk of deviation from the intended cutting line. On a machine, this operation is performed much faster and with maximum accuracy. Another advantage of electrical equipment is the possibility of its use for processing very hard materials: natural stone, porcelain stoneware, etc.

What parameters are worth paying attention to

When choosing stone-cutting or tile cutting electric machine, it is necessary to take into account such characteristics as the depth of cut on different materials and the maximum permissible length of the processed element. It is best to purchase a model with a small margin in these two parameters.

The defining characteristics are also: 

Engine power

For cutting thin and fairly soft material, models from 0.8 kW to 1.4 kW are usually used. It is better to process thick hard tiles on a machine with a power of 2-2.2 kW. Stone cutting machines are used to cut granite and other hard materials. Such machines usually have very high power. The cutting length during operation can reach 900 mm, and the depth is 125 mm.

Engine location

Equipment with bottom drive is usually more compact and is used for processing light tiles from fairly soft materials. The size of the trimmed elements can be any. Machines with an engine located at the top are distinguished as bridge machines (the engine moves on a carriage along special rods, its vertical stroke on different models is quite sufficient for high-quality cutting of even thick tiles) and console;(when the cutting tool is fixed motionless and the table moves). The cutting length on machines with an overhead engine can reach 1500 mm. The principle of organizing a disk cooling system, which includes a tray (can have different sizes) and a pump.

Helmut's product range includes various types of electric tile and stone cutting machines to suit a variety of needs and needs.
