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About the pneumatic tool market
Updated: 16.09.2024
News author : Enex
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About the pneumatic tool market

Continuing to survey the different segments of the professional industrial tool market, today we would like to turn to pneumatic tools. Meet the 2021 Air Tool Review with the latest data! We will consider the trends that have emerged over the past difficult year and assess the newly opened prospects.

The pneumatic tool is powered by compressed air supplied to its engine from the compressor via a high pressure hose. The first pneumatic tool appeared at the end of the 19th century, it was manual pneumatic jackhammers, which found (though not immediately) their application in the mining industry.

Since then, the number of types of pneumatic tools has increased significantly, and he himself has undergone tremendous changes - for example, it has become much easier. The first rotary hammers weighed as much as 80 kg, and today the light weight of the pneumatic tool serves as its hallmark (in comparison with a heavier power tool due to the electric motor).

Pneumatic tools can be classified depending on the mechanism driven by compressed air:

• Impact type - pneumatic chisels, jackhammers and chippers, pneumatic rammers, nail and staple guns, pneumatic punches, etc.

• Rotational type - pneumatic drills, screwdrivers, grinders, etc.

• Spraying - spray guns, grease guns and sandblasting.

As for the world market of pneumatic tools - according to forecasts 2020 - 2024., the growth of its turnover will be 5.2% annually. The engines of this growth are the growing demand from the industrial sector, the growing demand from the professional segment and the growing use of pneumatic tools for the production of goods for the home and household. It is also expected that the use of wear-resistant pneumatic tools in various industries in developed and developing countries will increase due to the lack of skilled labor and the rising cost of labor. Geographically, Europe occupies a leading position in the world in the use of pneumatic tools (about 30%).

Traditionally, we consider the key Russian manufacturers of pneumatic tools and evaluate their scale by gross profit for 2018/2017 (the balance sheets for 2019 have not yet been processed by Rosstat):

• Construction Equipment Plant LLC - now the Uglich Electromechanical Plant) - 9.2 million ₽ // for 2017 - 3.5 million ₽, i.e. actual increase + 262%.

• PK Resolit LLC - 4.4 million ₽ // for 2017 - 4.3 million ₽, i.e. actual increase + 2%.

• OAO Tomsk Electromechanical Plant named after Vakhrushev - 1,278.9 million ₽ // for 2017 - 193.2 million ₽, i.e. actual increase + 662%.

• KZMI LLC (Konakovsky plant) 3 thousand ₽ // for 2017 - 24 thousand ₽.

• Katran-Pnevmo LLC - no data.

• RMZ (Rodnikovsky Engineering Plant) - data not available.

• NGO Lacquer coating - 236.1 million ₽ // for 2017 - 255 million ₽, i.e. -8%.

• Yaroslavl factory "Red Mayak" - 186.1 million ₽ // for 2017 - 205.5 million ₽, i.e. -9.5%.

• Sorokin Instrument - 1.3 million ₽ // for 2017 - 1.2 million ₽, i.e. + 8%.

Among foreign manufacturers in the Russian market are relatively widely represented:

ChicagoPneumatic // AtlasCopco - one of the contenders for the role of "king of the hill" in the world of pneumatic tools. (By the way, Airbus and Boeing use Chicago Pneumatic products in their production). DeWalt, Metabo, Fiac, Fuji, Rodcraft, Kawasaki, Deprag, Bahco / Irimo, Fubag, Abac (one of the world leaders in terms of output; traditionally produce compressors and pneumatic tools), Norgau, Licota, Jonnesway, KING TONY, Airprotool , Sumake, Remeza et al.

Oddly enough, compressed air is mainly consumed in the industry not for providing pneumatic tools, but for the operation of equipment (leaders in the field - SMC, Festo), purge (Silvent) and (!) Leakage.

At the Enex virtual exhibition, products of Russian and foreign manufacturers of pneumatic tools are presented, for more details - https://enex.market/en/catalog/pnevmaticheskiy_instrument/