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About the measuring tool market
Updated: 16.09.2024
News author : Enex
О рынке измерительного инструмента

About the measuring tool market

As part of the cycle of reviews of various segments of the industrial tool market, we have already had an overview of the measuring tool market in Russia. Today we would like to update the data, consider the trends that have emerged over the past difficult year and assess the newly opened prospects. Meet the latest 2021 review!

A measuring instrument is a special device used to accurately determine the dimensions and other geometric, physical and other characteristics of objects. There are an infinite number of cases when accurate measurement is required, as well as the areas of application of the measuring tool. This can be the production process, the construction and repair of building structures or water supply and ventilation systems, planning, assembly, R & D, and much more. Quality and compliance standards are applied to each object, which is controlled by means of control and measuring tools.

The measuring tool can be called one of the most popular types of tools - it is used everywhere, in any production and in any home. Its variability is so great, and there are so many types (starting from rulers and manual tape measures, ending with complex sensors that track physical states), that the classification can be approached from completely different sides-by the type of work (construction/locksmith/carpentry), by the material from which it is made (metal/wood/plastic/combined), by the method of use (manual/mechanical/automatic).

We offer the following classification, close to GOST:

  • Виды измерительного инструментаCalibers (smooth, threaded, complex, profile);
  • Pneumatic devices (measurement of the parameters of compressed air in the air line when it flows through a small hole);
  • Electromechanical devices (the measuring mechanism has a reporting device, a fixed and movable part and a damper to calm the natural vibrations of the movable part);
  • Measures, verification tool;
  • Opto-mechanical (magnifying glasses, lever-optical devices, microscopes, etc.);
  • Vernier (having an additional scale that serves to more accurately determine the number of fractions of divisions of the main scale);
  • Mechanical. 

The situation in the world

As for the global market of measuring and testing tools , in 2020 it was estimated at $ 28 billion. It is also predicted that its growth until 2027 will be +3.1% annually. The main demand is presented by the construction and woodworking industries, the regional-Asian-Pacific region (the growth of living standards, incomes and, in general, the desire for urbanization are bearing fruit). However, there is a growing trend in demand for a measuring tool from the sphere of communications and network technologies, automotive production, and, today, healthcare. The growing use of various types of tools for calibration and adjustment of a wide range of electronic devices, such as modular devices, electrometers, network analyzers, meteometers, multimeters, etc. is a major factor that is expected to continue to fuel the growth of the global market for testing and measuring tools over the next few years. Moreover, the growing use of the tool for testing electronic devices and components that are intended for use in the automotive, telecommunications, defense and medical industries is also a factor that should expand the opportunities for market growth in the future.

The steady increase in the number of R & D activities undertaken in the medical equipment sector for various life-saving systems is another important factor that is expected to continue to drive revenue growth in the global testing and measuring instrument market for the foreseeable future.

автоматизированные измерительные приборыThere are also several logical trends: there is a growing demand for more automated tools and devices with advanced functionality - the ability to synchronize with multiple devices and with mobile applications, increased measuring capacity, high accuracy and extended service life, and other high-tech resources.

The main factor holding back growth is the state of the world economy after Covid.

The main companies in the Russian market

There are quite a lot of brands - domestic and foreign-represented on the Russian market of manual measuring tools. Imported manufacturers that are in the greatest demand: Mitutoyo, Mahr, ADA, Bosch, Stanley, Leica Disto, Vogel, Testo, Mastech, Stayer, etc.

Traditionally, we will consider the key Russian manufacturers of measuring instruments and estimate their scale by gross profit for 2020/2019:

  • Лаборатория ФизтехJSC PO Phystech - 161 million rubles / / 164.6 million rubles, i.e. -2%.
  • Chelyabinsk Tool Plant LLC (consolidated with NPP CHIZ LLC) - 121.5 million rubles / / 95 million rubles, i.e. +28%.
  • Aktakom (CJSC NPP Elix) - 38.9 million rubles / / 44.8 million rubles, i.e. -13%.
  • Kirov plant "Krasny instrumentalshchik" (JSC KZ KRIN) - 22.7 million rubles / / 24.7 million rubles, i.e. -8%.
  • Stavropol Tool Plant (JSC STiZ) - 20.1 million rubles / / 13.2 million rubles, i.e. +48%.
  • Micron - 28 million rubles / / 52 million rubles, i.e. -47%.
  • LLC PC Gto-0.
  • JSC ITO Tulamash in 2019-2021 experienced a difficult period, some legal entities were liquidated, the process of reorganization is underway.


Russian and foreign manufacturers of measuring instruments are represented at the Enex virtual exhibition.
View the catalog of measuring devices and tools.

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