Updated: 16.09.2024

Gas mounting guns are indispensable tools for fast and reliable installation of various construction and finishing materials.
Their main features are:
- High performance: gas pistols can significantly speed up the installation process compared to manual tools.
- Reliability and durability: pistols are made of high-quality materials, which ensures their long service life and stable operation.
- Ease of use and maintenance: Gas pistols do not require special skills to operate, and are also easy to disassemble and clean.
Gas mounting guns are convenient and reliable tools that significantly simplify the process of performing installation work and ensure high quality results. In the Molot line of gas mounting pistols, you can find the optimal tool for specific tasks.
Gas mounting gun GT-100
MOLOT GT-100 mounting gas gun (article AA000868).
- Installation of aluminum and PVC profiles, suspensions, brackets and other metal fasteners
- Installation of plaster mesh, waterproofing membranes
- Installation of plastic clips, screed pads, soldered boxes and other fasteners
- Targeting of fungi for thermal insulation up to 50 mm
Main Features:
- Length of poppet dowels: up to 50 mm
- Shot energy: 100 J
- Operating temperature range: -15 to +50 °C
- Gas cylinder capacity: 1000-1200 pcs
Gas mounting gun GT-120
MOLOT GT-120 mounting gas gun (article AA000811).
- Installation of aluminum and PVC profiles, suspensions, brackets and other metal fasteners
- Installation of plaster mesh, waterproofing membranes
- Installation of plastic clips, screed pads, soldered boxes and other fasteners
- Targeting of fungi for thermal insulation up to 50 mm
Main Features:
- Length of poppet dowels: up to 50 mm
- Shot energy: 120 J
- Operating temperature range: -15 to +50 °C
- Gas cylinder capacity: 1000-1200 pcs
Gas mounting gun GT130IE 120mm

MOLOT GT130IE mounting gas gun (article AA000748).
- Installation of aluminum and PVC profiles, suspensions, brackets and other metal fasteners.
Main Features:
- Nails length: 15-40 mm
- Battery capacity: 1.5 Ah
- Suitable consumables: Nails on concrete
- Battery Type: Li-Ion
- Type of nails: CN