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Diamond Grinding Wheels КристАл Лтд
Updated: 16.09.2024
News author : Crystal Ltd
Алмазные шлифовальные круги КристАл Лтд

Diamond Grinding Wheels КристАл Лтд


Diamonds are one of the hardest materials on Earth, so they provide efficient and precise grinding.

Diamond grinding wheels are used for grinding and processing various materials such as stone, metal, glass and ceramics. The plant "Crystal Ltd" has been producing diamond grinding circles of the highest quality!

The use of Crystal Ltd diamond grinding wheels will help to solve the most common problems, such as:

  • high-quality surface treatment of flat and cylindrical type;
  • carrying out high-precision sharpening of the surface of the cutting tool, as well as equipment having working multi-blade nodes;
  • fine-tuning of a working tool made of carbide materials;
  • processing of ceramics, glass and many materials.

1A1-1.JPGDiamond grinding wheels are widely in demand in many industrial areas, such as:

  • metallurgical production;
  • conveyor assembly of cars;
  • aviation and engineering industry;
  • mining enterprises;
  • production of cable and related electrical products.

Technical Features

Our diamond grinding wheels strictly comply with the established, state quality standards and specifications. We guarantee the high quality of the ligament used to fix the diamond to the surface of the cutting substance. As a bundle, the following are used: B2 - 01 (organic), M2 - 01, M1 - 01.

Depending on the specifics of the production process, you can purchase diamond circles of different weights and sizes from us.

If you need a diamond circle, the price and quality of which meet the highest standards, then - Crystal Ltd!
