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Selection of the purge tool

Updated: 12.10.2022
Article author : Enex

Selection of the purge toolIn industrial enterprises, there is often a need to use compressed air blowing for various purposes:

  • cleaning
  • drying
  • cooling
  • sorting
  • transportation
  • and other

To solve such problems, the choice of a tool is initially based on the available equipment in production, as well as on savings. Therefore, today in the factories it is often possible to meet the process of blowing with conventional tubes, hoses and standard purge pistols.

However, using injectors has a number of advantages over conventional open tubes, slits, holes, etc.

Air nozzles are not required if you are purging with compressed air. But if you want to improve the working environment and save energy, installing injectors can be a simple and effective solution. Air nozzles help to reduce noise, reduce the use of compressed air and prevent industrial injuries.

How does it look at youat home?

In the shower, we usually use a shower head that separates the water and ensures that water is sprayed all over the body. The shower head helps you save energy and ensures efficient use of water, unlike a shower without a nozzle. The compressed air air nozzle has the same purpose - to control the compressed air and ensure its efficient use depending on your needs.

Minimize the risk of turbulence

Compressed air blowing is usually associated with a high level of noise, but this does not have to be the case. The reason for the high noise level is that the air has the ability to move freely, which causes turbulence. This problem usually occurs when you use an open pipe or a purge gun without a nozzle, because compressed air is harder to control when it is blown through one large hole. If you use an air nozzle instead, it's much easier to control the air and prevent turbulence. If you can minimize turbulence, you can lower the noise level and create a more direct and powerful airflow. This often also contributes to less compressed air being used, as the air is used efficiently, which also reduces costs. 

5 reasons to use nozzles instead of open tubes:

  1. use compressed air efficiently
  2. reduce turbulence
  3. use ambient air
  4. halve the noise level
  5. reduce the risk of accidents at work

Advantages of using a purge gun with a nozzle

Analysis of the conditions of the purge task

When the question is not about a simple selection of a purge gun, problems arise.It is not enough to simply replace an open pipe with an injector, it is important to choose the right nozzle for a particular task.The problem will be solved with minimal energy consumption if all its aspects are considered.The following questions will help you choose the right tool:

  • purge purpose (cleaning, drying, etc.) and main priorities (product quality, employee safety, etc.)
  • environmental factors (high temperature, etc.)
  • purge distance (installation location)
  • dimensions of the blown area
  • available operating pressure in the compressed air system and the diameter of the supply line, hose.

A properly selected energy-efficient tool is able to perform its task efficiently and safely for less maintenance cost.

When creating the article, the materials of the company Silvent were used.

See the purge tool in the Enex online exhibition catalog: https://enex.market/catalog/pnevmaticheskiy_instrument/produvochnyy_instrument/
